Professional Learning
Preparing Adults to Bring Search Institute Frameworks to Life
Organizations and practitioners who want to build relationships that help young people thrive look to Search Institute for professional learning opportunities. Our research and practitioner-informed workshops are designed for districts, schools, youth-serving organizations, and community-based initiatives seeking to build professional and organizational capacities, promote positive youth development, and advance equity.
Learning Experiences to Meet Your Needs
Learning Experiences for Your Team
Professional development and training opportunities that strengthen skills and mindsets across your team, initiative or organization. Schedule a consultation to learn how we can create a professional development plan to meet your team's unique needs.
ENROLL TODAY! Learning Experiences for You
Register for live, virtual and in-person workshops offered year-round. This is a great option for individuals and small teams. Take a look at our current schedule and enroll in one of our many upcoming offerings.
"For me, my biggest take away is to make sure I care for my students and to make sure that they know they are cared for. It allowed me to reevaluate myself and intentions with the work that I do."
Professional Learning: Areas of Focus

Developmental Relationships
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Developmental Assets
The internal and external factors that are the essential building blocks for child and youth development, resilience, and thriving.

Engaging Families
Engage families to help youth thrive by identifying and celebrating their strengths.

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Training of Trainers
Preparing facilitators and trainers to lead workshops that introduce Assets and Developmental Relationships to their organization and community.
Workshop Updates