2024 Stateof DA Hero

State of Developmental Assets Webinar 2024

Young people with higher levels of Developmental Assets are mentally and physically healthier, safer, more caring, more productive, and often do better in school and are more prepared for college and career options after high school.

Join us as we explore the State of Developmental Assets in this recorded webinar. In addition to the trends and insights shared by our CEO, Dr. Ben Houltberg and Senior Director of Research, Dr. Joanna Williams, we talk with special guest, Dr. Shaniqua Johnson-Pierce with United Way of Delaware about how they are using Developmental Assets to better understand and support young people across the state.


State of Developmental Relationships Webinar 2024

Resource Audience

Adults Youth Program Leaders Teachers School / Youth Program Staff School / Youth Organization Leaders District Leaders

Resource Type


Read Time

31-60 Minutes

# of Participants


State of Developmental Assets Webinar 2024