Get to Know You and Establish Group Norms
This downloadable activity is designed to build trust between group members by exploring what members have in common and what makes them unique.
Get To Know You and Establish Group Norms is a 30-minute downloadable activity designed to build trust between group members by exploring what members have in common and what makes them unique.
It is recommended that you do this activity before other relationship-building activities to establish a foundation for future work. Participants get to know each other by exploring what they have in common, and what differentiates them from the others. Then participants discuss what they need from the group to feel comfortable sharing thoughts and feelings.
Planning and Preparation: The activity can be conducted with five-30 participants. You’ll need large sticky poster paper, or tape and poster paper and a marker. Ideally, the room will have walls where participants can put up posters.
Developmental Relationship Element: All.
CASEL Competencies: Collaborating, self awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making.
Objective: To build and strengthen relationships among participants and between participants and leaders.
Get to Know You and Establish Group Norms
Resource Audience
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