Relationships That Matter: 5 Keys to Helping Your Child Succeed
Relationships That Matter: 5 Keys to Helping Your Child Succeed is a curriculum for a 90-minute workshop designed to deepen relationships and engage with parents of young people in your school or program.
It has all the tools and tips you’ll need to facilitate a single-session workshop that will help parents of young people:
Understand that parent-child relationships are key to students’ success.
Learn about five keys to strong relationships with their children.
Share ideas for strengthening their relationships within their families.
Commit to doing one thing to strengthen their relationship with their family.
You can help parents understand and focus on five areas of parent-child relationships that are key to young people’s success in school and beyond.
Relationships That Matter: 5 Keys to Helping Your Child Succeed
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Related Resources on Engaging Families
Spider Web
Activity where participants stand in a circle and work together using yarn to create a web that can support a ball or balloon.
How to Use the Activities and Approaches
A brief guide to facilitating and using the activities and approaches designed for classroom and group settings.
Navigating by Our Stars
A downloadable activity where participants reflect and write about their deeply held values and write a message to a younger person to share their values.