Sparks Fair
Sparks Fair mimics the dynamics of a science fair and gives participants the opportunity to network with others to share their spark and learn about others’ sparks. Note: Participants should complete the What Makes You Happy? activity prior to this activity.
Planning and Preparation: Any number, as long as space allows for all participants to have space to present their spark.
Developmental Relationship Element: Expand Possibilities.
CASEL Competencies: communication, relationship skills.
Objectives: Build and strengthen relationships among participants. Build and strengthen relationships among participants and leaders. Deepen understanding of the element of Expand Possibilities
Related Resources on Relational Practices

We Meet Them Where They Are
A 5-minute video introducing five Search Institute partners working in marginalized communities.

Video Guided Response
Student Voice Video Response activity

Educator Strengths (E2E)
Take the VIA Character Strengths for Adults survey and create an action plan for leveraging your strengths to build better relationships.