Youth Ecological Strengths (YES) Project
The Youth Ecological Strengths (YES) Project is a critical scan of the literature and compilation of existing strength-based tools that can be administered in community settings and measure youth ecological strengths, the strengths and assets that youth have across individual, family, school, and community contexts.
Members of the Search Institute research team include Katherine Ross, Ph.D. The research team gratefully acknowledges input from educators and a variety of research partners. This project is funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

What strengths and supports are young people accessing and cultivating in the settings that they are growing and developing in? Are they receiving the support and resources that they need? What unique skills, positive relationships, mindsets, and contributions to their communities are supporting their overall well-being and success? And how do you measure these qualities to better understand how you can support young people as they grow?
Search Institute has compiled the YES Report, a summary report and a detailed description of existing strength-based measurement tools that can be administered in community settings, and measure youth ecological strengths (or strengths and assets that youth have across individual, family, school, and community contexts). The YES report can be used by practitioners and researchers who are looking for strength-based measures.
Measures for Youth Strengths: A Landscape Scan