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Count to Twenty

Count to Twenty: Working Together to Challenge Growth is a 10-minute activity where participants count to 20 as a group. Each participant must say at least one number, but no two participants are allowed to speak at the same time or say the same number. You will need to restart it multiple times, which allows participants to learn from mistakes and setbacks and tune in to each other.

Planning and Preparation: This activity works with 10-12 participants. If you have more participants, split the group into smaller groups. No materials are needed, but it requires a space where all participants can sit or stand in a circle.

Developmental Relationship Element: Challenge Growth.

CASEL Competencies: negotiating, collaborating, self-management, relationship skills, responsible decision-making.

Objective: Build and strengthen relationships among participants. Deepen understanding of Challenge Growth within Search Institute's developmental relationships framework.


Count to Twenty

Resource Audience


Resource Type


Read Time

Under 5 Minutes



# of Participants

6-10 Participants 11-20 Particants

Task Group Size

Medium Groups (6-15)

Task Length

10-15 Minutes