Learn what students know, want to know, and still wonder about a topic of study.
A KWLW (already Know, Want to learn, have Learned, Wonder about) is used to bookend a course or a unit. At the beginning of the course or unit, it helps to garner student input into the curricular content. It is a means of soliciting student voice on what they learn. Students will write what they already KNOW about a topic and what they WANT to learn about the topic. At the end of the course or unit, the KWLW helps encourage students to reflect on what they have learned and to spur ongoing learning and curiosity, sending the message that learning is never “over.” The teacher returns students’ KWLW charts to them and asks them to complete the last two columns, sharing what they have LEARNED and what they now WONDER or want to learn.
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Tool / Playbook
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