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Relationships That Matter: 5 Keys to Helping Your Child Succeed

Relationships That Matter: 5 Keys to Helping Your Child Succeed is a curriculum for a 90-minute workshop designed to deepen relationships and engage with parents of young people in your school or program.

It has all the tools and tips you’ll need to facilitate a single-session workshop that will help parents of young people:

  • Understand that parent-child relationships are key to students’ success.

  • Learn about five keys to strong relationships with their children.

  • Share ideas for strengthening their relationships within their families.

  • Commit to doing one thing to strengthen their relationship with their family.

You can help parents understand and focus on five areas of parent-child relationships that are key to young people’s success in school and beyond.


Relationships That Matter: 5 Keys to Helping Your Child Succeed

Resource Audience


Resource Type


Read Time

16-30 Minutes


Parenting Adults

Task Group Size

Independent Pairs Small Groups (3-5) Whole Group (Any Size)

Task Length

Over an Hour