Developmental Assets: The Power of One, The Power of Many
Everyone can play a role in helping young people thrive. Developmental Assets: The Power of One, The Power of Many explores the positive paths adults can take to increase the number of assets in the lives of young people.
This professional learning opportunity is based on the Developmental Assets Framework, which identifies 40 internal and external factors that protect against risks and promote growth and learning for young people. Some of those assets are the relationships and opportunities that exist in families, schools, and communities (external assets). Other assets are social-emotional strengths, values, and commitments that are nurtured within young people (internal assets).
March 12-13, 2025
2 days
- $245.00
At Search Institute we help you apply research to relationships in practical and impactful ways. Whether you need workshops, surveys, continuous improvement, or more—reach out to discover solutions that are right for you.
"I learned a lot about building relationships with my students and the impact that strong relationships can have."
Learning Objectives
Understand and be able to describe the Developmental Assets Framework
Understand the association between Developmental Assets and positive youth outcomes
Identify qualities of individuals who are asset builders in the lives of young people
Understand the central role of relationships in asset building
Identify strategies for building developmental assets in the lives of young people
Identify and commit to perform a simple asset-building action
Workshop Structure
In-Person: half day or breakout session at your location (up to 4 hours)
Virtual: 1 hour and 45 minutes workshops (up to 3.5 hours)
Who Should Attend
Staff, leaders, and community members from:
After-school and out-of-school-time programs
Mentoring programs
Juvenile justice organizations
Get Started
Learn how you can bring this professional learning opportunity to your organization by filling out this form.