Focus your efforts by implementing measures to assess the state of social capital in your organization.
Why Measure Youth Social Capital?
Extensive research shows that young people with a web of supportive relationships experience greater progress towards education, career, and life goals. One of the best ways to center social capital in your organization’s improvement efforts is to measure it. This way, you can demonstrate success and see where to make adjustments in order to support all young people.
Our Social Capital Survey is a survey designed to capture actionable and meaningful data on the core domains needed to support you in becoming a social capital promoting organization.
What Does the Survey Measure?
The Social Capital Survey includes a suite of measures or sets of questions that assess young people’s web of supportive relationships and the resources they provide. These measures are organized into four sections:
Relationship-Rich Climate. Includes measures that assess practitioners and young people’s perspectives on the organization’s relational climate.
Social Capital. Includes measures that assess the strength of young people’s relationships with multiple relational targets (e.g., mentors, educators, peers, family members), as well as the strength and diversity of a young person’s social network.
Mindsets and Skills for Social Capital Growth. Includes measures that assess young people’s mindsets and skills to successfully activate and mobilize relationships and resources in pursuit of their goals including relationship-building skills, networking skills among others.
Progress Towards Education and Career Outcomes. Includes measures that assess young people’s progress towards reaching their education and/or career goals.
The Social Capital Survey
Our staff and youth social capital survey is designed to capture actionable and meaningful data on the core domains needed to support you in becoming a social capital promoting organization.

Resources for Planning Your Next Survey
Tips for Planning a Survey for Youth
Check out these practical tips for implementing a survey with young people.
Planning Your Survey Goals
Use this template for helping you and your organization plan your survey goals.
Survey Communication Guide
Use this template for crafting language to introduce your survey to key stakeholders.