Roses and Thorns
A check-in activity that invites participants to share the highs and lows of their week.
Roses and Thorns is a check-in activity that can be done with up to 30 participants. What was something that went well (rose)? What was a challenge (thorn)? What are they looking forward to (rosebud). If you think this metaphor won’t resonate with your group, try "highs and lows," or "glows and grows."
Planning and Preparation: This 45-minute activity (depending on number of participants) can work anywhere where participants can sit in a circle. No materials are needed, but you may want to incorporate an object that participants pass around to signify who has the floor.
Developmental Relationship Element: All.
CASEL Competencies: Self-awareness.
Objective: Build and strengthen relationships among participants and between participants and leaders.
Roses and Thorns
Resource Audience
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Task Length
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