They Shape Who We Are
They Shape Who We Are is a five-minute video introducing the work of Search Institute with five partners, organizations that wanted to strengthen relationships with young people.
Cultivating intentional and inclusive developmental relationships can significantly contribute to young people's learning, growth, and development. They Shape Who We Are introduces the experience of five youth organizations that wanted to study and strengthen developmental relationships in young people's lives. It shows the impact of our developmental relationships work with Camp Fire, City Year, Community in Schools, Generation Citizen, and the National Center for Families Learning.
They Shape Who We Are
Resource Audience
Resource Type
Read Time
"Developmental relationships are key to a healthy, functioning democracy and society."
Watch the video
Related Resources for School and Youth Program Staff

Cogenerative Dialogue
Student Voice - Cogenerative Dialogue

Student Voice Framework
Student Voice Framework

Navigating by Our Stars
A downloadable activity where participants reflect and write about their deeply held values and write a message to a younger person to share their values.
Related Resources for School and Youth Organization Leaders

What is youth Social Capital?
This short video is a great way to help young people understand the importance of social capital.
Managing Up
In this activity, you will understand what ‘managing up’ is and is not.

Relational Practice
Approaches to Sharing Power
Ten approaches that can be integrated into classroom or program activities that build the Sharing Power element of the developmental relationships framework.